Some of you may know that I love to play Xbox. I've been playing games since the Atari and have been buying gaming systems ever since. Even though they have become more advanced, they've also become more and more expensive. Here's my problem.
Internet gaming is not a very safe/accpting place for people like me (gay). There are many many times when I'm playing online with other people (that I don't know) and I hear some of the most ignorant comments. Gay this.. fag that.. blah blah blah.. It only makes me hunt them down and shoot them more often. (ie: no camping.. run and gun) I know that this is only a video game and that I have no reason to be upset, and honestly I'm not that upset. I know that ignorance is a hard thing to get away from at times. BUT..
What do you do when you become friends with people online and you actually like talking with them and playing games.... do you break that silence and honestly let them get to know you for who you are? or do you keep silent and go with the flow? I've been playing with the same group of guys/girls for over a year know. They're a ton of fun to play with and most times when I log on and none of them are around, I just log off.. I've become friends with 2 of them on facebook and neither of them have mentioned the fact that I'm gay.. do I take that as "they don't care".. or "they haven't noticed" lol.. Either way, I would honestly hate to lose 2 friends because of my sexual orientation, but.. if that were to be a problem, I guess I wouldn't want to be friends anyway.
Something interesting that I ran across was a group called "FWG" (fags with guns). It's a clan that plays Call of Duty and everyone in the clan is gay (and here I thought I was the only queer that loved gaming). I also found a website called "Gaymer". It covers everything dealing with gaming, but for the gay community. It seems as if the gaming world has it's own secret in the closet. :)
~Thanks for reading~
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