Tuesday 11 September 2012

Well well well.. I've been working out, eating the right foods and guess what?? I've lost 4 pounds since Sept. 1st. I'm really loving this new and improved me. I find myself making better food choices and longing for my daily workout. I've tried things like this in the past but have never been as inspired to continue as I am right now. (lets hope I keep up this momentum)

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Time for change

So, it's been quite some time since my last post. I thought I would just leave things that have happened during the last few months where they are, I won't bore you with all the details of what's been going on. I'll start with what's is going on now, and will be going on from now on. :) As many of my friends know, I am not happy with the way I look. I have gained weight over the last few years and it's really beginning to bother me. I've noticed that I've become a very unhappy person because of this, and it's constantly on my mind. I admit to being rather lazy, and yes... I know that nothing will change until I get up and make the change myself. So, that's what I'm going to do! I've done things like this before, convince myself that I'm going to be all sexy in a couple of months, only to slack off and go back to my old ways (which caused me to gain in the first place). But I've had enough of that! It's time for me to take my body back! I will "try" to do weekly posts as to my successes and my (hopefully not to many) failures. But what I'm going to need the most is support. I can talk the talk all day, but if I have friends and family behind me pushing me to succeed then my chanced of slacking off are slim to none;) There will be lots of sweat, fruit, and I'm sure tears.. but I will make this change in my life. Thanks for the help.. thanks for reading... and thanks for spreading the word about my new life long adventure. Besos Michael

Thursday 10 November 2011

Orchestral Adventures

I’m sure you remember my post about the horrible orchestra that my friend Linnea and I played in. Well, as you remember I’m sure, she left me to play for a much much better orchestra... Funny how things can turn for the better. They’re going to allow me to play for them as well! Starting this month I will now be playing with an orchestra that’s actually good! They’re three bassoonist so we have to swap out on some pieces, but hey, at least it’s something! We have three concerts between now and January. The first being on Nov. 25th, second on Dec.2 and the third on Dec. 16th. The last two concerts are going to be quite interesting.. The first concert in Dec. they are going to video some of the performance to use for commercials that will advertise our second concert in December. On the 16th, the TV channel here in Madrid called “Telemadrid” is going to record the concert to be shown on TV here in Spain!!.. I’ll be playing Dvorak’s Symphony No.9 (New world). I’m super excited!!

I’ll be heading back to the US after my second concert in December. I’m hoping I’ll be back in NC on the 17th or 18th.

New year, new school, NO patience!

So, I’ve started teaching at a different school, one closer to my house. The new school is big change from what I was used to in Guadarrama (school from last year). The school in Guadarrama is what in the US we would call Elementary and Middle School. I miss my little kids who loved to play games and sing songs about English and color pictures... The ones who would give me a hug every time I walked into class... The ones that would ask if they could give me a kiss on the cheek at the end of the week... You get the picture, I miss my little babies.
Changing schools was something I couldn’t avoid as the program that I currently work for only allows you to do this job for two years. In September of every year, there are people that don’t show up in Spain to do the job, so they have openings. This is where I come in :o). Since I have a work and residency visa, the Communidad de Madrid (the people I work for) have little to no paperwork for me to do this job. So I walk in, say hi, and they give me the school that the other person (the one that didn’t show up) was assigned to. This is how I am able to do this job for a third year.
The problem this year, is that they have placed me in a High School!.. thats right... ahhhh.... the dreaded teenagers! This is a HUGE change from what I’m used to. The plus side to this is that I’m able to work in classes other than English and Science (like the last two years). This year I’m actually working in Music classes, Physical Education, Art, Technology, and Science. This would seem to be a GREAT change, except the part where I have to work with teenagers. I’ll keep you up to date on anything interesting that happens.

Friday 5 August 2011

Summer Heat!

Well.. Austria was a great success. I was able to see friends from last year and make some new ones. We had a great time making music, eating, and drinking. I can't wait for next year!

Things have been rather busy since classes ended in June. We took a trip to Morocco in June which was very interesting. The food was AMAZING! I couldn't get enough of the chicken Tangine's, so tasty. We stayed in Marrakesh for a couple days then headed to Agadir for a couple more. Agadir is right on the coast, and was "ok". I think I prefer Mallorca Spain much more :)

After returning from Morocco, a friend of mine Norma arrived here in Madrid for a week of running around sightseeing. I took her all over Madrid, and I think we ate just about everything here too. She was here for about 5 days then we had to leave for Austria. We decided that we would drive so we could visit a few places along the way. The first night we stopped in Barcelona (which I didn't like so much), then we moved on to Nice France (a little to snobby for me), after Nice we carried on to Verona Italy (I LOVED IT). I honestly think I could pick up and move to Italy and be a very very happy man. We had sooooo much food in Italy. I think I had pizza and pasta 3 times a day.

Austria was amazing.. (way to much to say.. so I'll keep it simple) amazing.

YouTube - So.. I have this YouTube account and have NO idea what to do with it. I have only 2 videos posted so far. One is for the "It Gets Better" project, and the other is for National Coming Out Day. I have a few ideas, but nothing is set in stone yet.. Do any of you have ideas? Leave me a comment!

Sunday 12 June 2011

The last few months *sigh*

First lets start with an update from my last post.
Since my last posting, some of my friends on Xbox have learned of my being gay, and all is well in the Call of Duty world!.. We've had lots of fun with our little inside joke. I've never noticed when playing CoD that there're soooooo many things people say that can mean "other" things. Now that my friends know about me, I seem to notice them giving a little giggle here and there when someone makes on of "those" comments. We have a good laugh and say "if they only knew".
Something funny happened (a couple times now). I was playing with a friend (Call of Duty of course) and someone was getting mad because of how amazing we are.. and started calling names. OF course the first thing they say is.. "FAG!".. and our response "...... and?" or "wow.. you really nailed that one".. etc. Lots of fun.

The Fall
Back in April the school where I work was having a charity run. This is one of those things where the kids run around this dirt track on the playground and raise money for needy kids. WELL.. at the end of the day, it's the teachers and parents turn. So.. here we go, running... and running... and then.. I find myself falling... and falling... When I hit the ground I heard a loud pop sound, and thought that my head had hit a rock. I stood up and rubbed my head looking for blood, I didn't want the kids to see me bleeding. (The little ones would freak out) I didn't feel anything but as soon as I finished rubbing my head I could tell something was wrong, waaay wrong.
I walked to the finish line rubbing my now sore shoulder, and noticed a crazy bone sticking up. Realizing that I had broken my collarbone, I walked right into the nurses office along with lots of teachers helping. After a very VERY long wait, the ambulance arrived and took me to the hospital.
Thus began the painful road to recovery.
I'm feeling much better now and have little pain. It just stinks that this happened the last day of school before leaving for a 10 day vacation (Easter).

June, the month of sad goodbyes
This month will be my last month in my current school. I have loved every minute of being there, and the teachers are some of the most amazing teachers I've ever met. Two of the classes that I have this year I have been with for two years, and one of them every single day for 2 years. These kids have changed my life, and I love every one of them. They show me so much love every day I'm with them, and I hope I do the same for them.
The last day of school is June 24th. This will be one of the hardest days of my life. I can't believe I have to say goodbye to "my babies". On the last day I'm going to put them all into shock by speaking spanish with them. They have tried to teach me spanish over the last 2 years and I've always said the words wrong.. to the point that they tell me "Mykel, it's better you only speak Englishh" . So when I show up to class on that last day, walk in and do nothing but speak spanish with them.. they're going to FLIP out!.. I'm going to try and video this, so I can share the fun. I'll let you know how it goes.

Well, another summer of music in the Alps is here. I'll be going back to Austria this July for another 10 days of playing music with some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. This year I'll be playing Glinka, and Poulenc. The Poulenc is with a singer and sounds really interesting, I can't wait for that. The Glinka is something that I've wanted to play for a very long time, and finally I have the chance (Pathetic Trio for Clarinet, Bassoon, Piano).
Just before leaving for Austria, a dear friend from that music festival is coming to Madrid for a week long visit. I'll be playing tour guide to the lovely Norma. After our week of exploring Madrid, along with Christophe and Alli, we're driving 19.5 hours to Austria. We'll pick a cute little place along the way to stay for the night. This is going to be such a great road trip!.

ok... I need to go practice!!..

Thursday 17 March 2011

Friends and Xbox

Some of you may know that I love to play Xbox. I've been playing games since the Atari and have been buying gaming systems ever since. Even though they have become more advanced, they've also become more and more expensive. Here's my problem.

Internet gaming is not a very safe/accpting place for people like me (gay). There are many many times when I'm playing online with other people (that I don't know) and I hear some of the most ignorant comments. Gay this.. fag that.. blah blah blah.. It only makes me hunt them down and shoot them more often. (ie: no camping.. run and gun) I know that this is only a video game and that I have no reason to be upset, and honestly I'm not that upset. I know that ignorance is a hard thing to get away from at times. BUT..

What do you do when you become friends with people online and you actually like talking with them and playing games.... do you break that silence and honestly let them get to know you for who you are? or do you keep silent and go with the flow? I've been playing with the same group of guys/girls for over a year know. They're a ton of fun to play with and most times when I log on and none of them are around, I just log off.. I've become friends with 2 of them on facebook and neither of them have mentioned the fact that I'm gay.. do I take that as "they don't care".. or "they haven't noticed" lol.. Either way, I would honestly hate to lose 2 friends because of my sexual orientation, but.. if that were to be a problem, I guess I wouldn't want to be friends anyway.

Something interesting that I ran across was a group called "FWG" (fags with guns). It's a clan that plays Call of Duty and everyone in the clan is gay (and here I thought I was the only queer that loved gaming). I also found a website called "Gaymer". It covers everything dealing with gaming, but for the gay community. It seems as if the gaming world has it's own secret in the closet. :)

~Thanks for reading~